Monday, January 26, 2009

10 - 20 meter - HexBeam Baseplate - Free Template

Yes that's correct! A free full size template for the 10 - 20 meter home brew hexbeam.
All I ask is that you pay the postage.
The template is printed on a piece of 11" x 17" paper.
Just cut it out. You can use it to mark the cuts required on the aluminum plate and to
mark the centers of the holes that are drilled for the u-bolts and mast flange.

Just send me an email address on my callsign is W4RDM

HexBeam Home Brewing - Build Your Own HexBeam

This blog page was created to assist amatuer radio hex wire beam homebrewers with ideas etc to build their own hex wire beam antennas.

Here's what a hex wire beam look like?